Snow CAT Tours

Hotel Albireo in Kannabe offers snow CAT rides on their Pisten Bully PB130D Snow CAT. Tours are available from the end of December to March depending on the current snow conditions, which are subject to change each season. There are morning (from 9AM) and afternoon tours (from 2PM). Tour times and availability may change due to weather conditions.
Reservations in advance are required.
Adults (13y.o+) 1,500 yen
Children 6 to 11y.o 1,000 yen
Children 2 to 5y.o 500 yen.


Business Hours
Open during the winter season when there is enough snow from around the end of December till March. Operation hours from 9am and from 2pm.
Holidays / Closed
Spring to fall
Hotel Albireo in Oku Kannabe
142-1 Yamata, Hidaka-cho, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo 669-5377

This site is in Japanese.

Average Price Range
From around 1,500 yen/adult.
Language Support
Sorry, but only Japanese is spoken.